Friday, July 27, 2007

Learning to model in a new program.

I made these in class today. YAY. =D Steinbach, the teacher, says i'm way ahead. I've never used the program before. That was my third time ever opening it. Go me.

link 1
link 2

Monday, July 16, 2007

just for fun

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I think solving mysteries would be fun. Velma always was the smartest one. She figured out the whole thing and never got kidnapped like Daphne.

Monday, July 9, 2007

a little update

Missouri, Universal Studios, Long Beach, Disneyland

Those are links to my internet photo-albums from this past summer. 95% percent of the pictures are mine. Occasionally I'll slip in pictures that Mom or Amy took.

So yesterday Brandon showed up on my doorstep. That went as well as it could go. He called later that evening and we fought/cried on the phone for a good hour. Fun. What a great way to be welcomed back.

Post-Brandon-Drama, I was bummed and on the internet venting to one of my friends from school. She informed me that Ciera is back. Ciera is the roommate who dropped out and ran-away to New York for the 14 year old drug dealer/cheater. Personally at this point, I'd rather she stayed in New York and I really don't want anything to do with her.

It's going to be one hell of a quarter.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

i love my cousins

i love my cousins
Originally uploaded by dani_wolf.

a good time was had by all.