Saturday, May 12, 2007

Game Over

A majority of yesterday I ran around all day acquiring paper samples for projects and running errands before my trip to New Orleans. I worked on homework from 3-10pm and it was an all around long day. Around 11 pm I was burning archive CDs of my portfolio. I was in the middle of backing up my homework that I had worked on all day when my (laptop) computer stops. I figure it's normal freezing and I reboot. Well when I reboot a very discomforting ticking sound starts. Think of a metronome, that's the sound my computer was making.

Well I start to get a little antsy as my laptop now sounds like a time bomb. I call Brandon in my room, as he was conveniently going to stay the night. He sits down, looks at my computer and goes, "Ummm... That's not good." He's working on my laptop and diagnosing while I'm digging through my Computer coverage plans. My laptop coverage expired May 7, 2007.

Meanwhile, Brandon is going to town with my computer, honestly I'll never understand how he can understand computers so well. He tried everything he could. The laptop rejected all of the rebooting disks. He even had me try erasing the hard-drive. The computer froze, clicked, and breathed it's last. Brandon says he can fix it no problem, it's just going to cost me a new hard-drive around $150. If I take it to Apple, they'll charge me triple that for diagnosing and shipping it out. I figure I'll let Brandon fix it as I trust him and pray that this works.

-The big things I've lost-
my homework. I've been up since 8 re-doing it.
the art programs I use constantly. Now i need to find someone to go swipe a copy from.
some personal artwork.

The best news, it's fixable. I've lost everything but my computer should run again. Also, I got my master portfolio backed up before it crashed. I intend to burn a few more copies of my master portfolio and send them off to various people for safe-keeping in case anything happens to my apartment. I don't want to re-do 3 years of work. So that's the news. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Ouch!!! Sorry for the problems but glad that Brandon is there to help you fix it. Hope you can find the programs that you lost! Love you!!