Monday, March 5, 2007

Why school is stressing me out.

There's no good way to describe what I've been working without pictures.
Corporate ID

This would be my massive pain in the ass Corporate ID style manual. Let me start off by explaining what a Corporate ID is. Imagine any blockbuster you've ever walked into, and notice how everything looks the same. The signs, the carpet, the displays, the way the logo is used, that's a corporate identity. Every major corporation at least 3 binders that are several inches thick that explain down to the last fraction of an inch how the company should be represented. I've been given the task of creating a company, writing a ten page history, explaining how the company works, making the logo, and now creating the corporate identity. Thankfully I don't have to do a 300 page binder, and my minimum page requirement is 21. All the same, a rather large pain in my ass.

Now let's move on to 3D packaging.
The class is much more exciting than Corporate ID, but much more intense. At the start of the class we picked products are random, created a 6 page company history, created a new product, created a logo, designed a package, shopping bag and inserts. We use a large format printer, print off giant posters, then cut fold and glue it all together. In the end you get a great box. HOWEVER, the smallest fraction of an inch off and the whole box won't fold together. Having 26 people in a class room manuevering over posterboard and trying not to screw up a project that costs thirty bucks just to print, well let's just say tension runs high. My first color print versions are to be cut and pasted together on Wednesday, but for now, here's a look at the box, product, and bag (without handles) that I've designed. Box and bag Product in the box

Time to get back to work.


Jan said...

Nice work. It looks like they will close. Will they have a logo or just be in color?

dani said...

Corporate ID or the Packaging? both have color and the packaging has a large intricate pattern. That box doesn't actually close properly, it ripped along the size.

wolfbw said...

In my last job in Chicago, I had the lady who managed the "BP" branding world wide report to me. She was the offical "logo cop" for BP. love Dad

Unknown said...

I've become the concept sketch geek in my Army Reserve job and in my Army Corps of Engineer's job.

I use power point 3D capabilities to show perspective concept sketches of buildings or water control structures.

I often use a photo of the site and superimpose 3D shape images on the photo for the propose strucutres.

Most people tell me it really gets the message across a bunch better than 2D plans.

dani said...

- To Dad -
Funny you should mention that. My corporate id teacher mentions the new bp logo repeatedly and we've studied it in class multiple times.

- To Whitney -
I know the features your talking about. We've worked on photo imposing before but we were told to keep everything 2d for this project due to time constraints. It's much more fun in 3d though.