Sunday, March 4, 2007

I caved.

This marks the fourth blog I've created. Goodness. The first one was shut down when the hosting company went bankrupt. The next had to be locked down because of random stalkers kept finding me and posting weird picture of decapitated teddy bears. Plus, Leisel (my former roommate) has a crazy/creepy boyfriend that likes to read everything I write. The third journal is entirely fictional, just for fun Harry Potter stuff. The Potter Journal.

Well now that it's settled, I figured I should post a blog for family only. Hopefully this will work out well. =)

I went to 11 am mass today, which is rare as I prefer a good Sunday night mass. Anyway, the presiding priest has a running theme in both homily's he has delivered. "Harry Potter is Evil." The priest called the kids up to the altar to engage them. I try to sit there and pay attention, and I'm watching a flock of 40 children listening eagerly when the priest announced, "Harry Potter is trash, and shouldn't be read." One child started crying and ran from the altar back to his mother. I always enjoy making children cry and shattering dreams while sharing the proclamation of God. Really... *eyeroll*

In other news, my next door neighbor moved out. I'm extremely excited about this as I was growing tired of his random outbursts and shouting matches with his friends.

Finals are upon me and that means I'll be posting a massive amount of art at the end of the quarter. I'm extremely excited about completing my first ever package and shopping bag for bath supplies. It's a hell of a lot of work, but very fulfilling and rewarding.

I suppose that's enough for my first ever post. On here. Now to go and customize this thing. =)


lonewolf said...

And by customizing you really mean "making everything as pink as possible."

Jan said...

Good to see you up and running. I will enjoy reading about both of my kids each day. :-)

Anonymous said...

This is my official first visit to a "blog". This could become addicting! I will have to show Jordan. She will be highly ticked about the HP sermon!