Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I think I have the plague.

Since Sunday at 1:05 in the morning, I've been sick. I went to a doctor yesterday since there was no way I could make it to class without falling over or reclaiming my throne of power-vomitting. The waiting room of the doc's office had two tv's running simultaneously. Finding Nemo and Ella Enchanted. Trying to watch and listen to both was straining, but fear not Nemo over came his magical enchantment forcing him to obey the fairy.

When I was finally called the nurse weighed me in and I was delighted to see that I did lose some weight. *I've been eating healthy and excercising at least three times a week. I'm aiming to be able to comfortably fit into my bridesmaid dress again before May 14. This task can be daunting as the exercise center only has two treadmills and the third person to come into the room looking to walk or run is SOL. One misfortunate fellow actually farted in my general direction while I was walking, in an attempt to get me to leave. But alas, I'm getting sidetracked.

In the exam room I enjoyed som more high quality Finding Nemo and listened to the nurse make encouraging statements such as, "Whoa... Your blood pressure is really low. That's a really not normal number."

After being poked, prodded and examined, the doctor gave me a fantastic list of maladies and a variety of perscription drugs that are sure to leave me feeling loopey. If I say anything unusual, now you'll know why. I was told don't even think about solid foods for another 3-5 days. Awesome. Pass the apple sauce.


lonewolf said...

The second paragraph is the best paragraph I have ever seen you write, and it contains the word "fart."

Jan said...

Hope this finds you feeling better!